Gambling is the wager of something of value on a random event with the intention of winning something else of value. It is distinguished from other activities in which skill or knowledge contribute to success, such as horse racing or the stock market.
While determining the exact origins of gambling is impossible, it can be traced to prehistoric times when people sought to gain knowledge about their fate and the intentions of gods by casting lots and throwing knuckle bones. The concept evolved into a form of divination, and eventually people began betting on the results of games of chance.
Although there is no universal definition, most scholars agree that gambling involves the risk of losing money or possessions and the opportunity to win more than one had originally invested. In addition, the thrill of winning or losing is a powerful motivation to gamble. It also may be a form of entertainment, especially when it is conducted with friends and family members.
The United States has a long history of gambling, although attitudes have changed since the colonial period. Puritans saw gambling as a sinful activity that led men from God’s grace. They condemned it and tried to stifle it through a variety of means, including fines and whippings. Despite these efforts, gambling continued to grow in popularity.
Some of the reasons for gambling discussed by participants included boredom and the lack of social opportunities in their communities. One participant explained that her community of immigrants worked low-wage jobs with little hope for advancement and that gambling provided a false sense of accomplishment and happiness.
Another factor was stress relief. Some participants, particularly those from Chinese and Khmer backgrounds, mentioned working long hours with heavy workloads. As a result, they often went to casinos to escape from their daily stressors. One participant described her bleak work schedule as “work 12 h usually, come back home very late at night, such as 11 p.m.”
A significant theme that emerged from the interviews was the role of the casino as a seductive force in Asian immigrant communities. Many participants spoke of advertisements and promotions that offered free food vouchers and other enticements to draw people into casinos. They also talked about the ways casinos use these incentives to keep Asians gambling, even after they have lost their money.
Poverty is a major driver for many Asian gambling behaviors. Many participants have struggled to make a living at low-wage jobs and have become depressed and stressed as they work to make ends meet. This is especially true for those who are unable to speak English and have family members who live in their home countries. The stress and lack of hope can fuel a cycle of gambling that leads to further financial problems. For these individuals, treatment options may include family therapy and marriage, career, or credit counseling.